
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Mason Jar Mania


Is it just me, or is there a mason jar mania spreading? It's like some sort of fever, and once you get it, it's hard to shake. I would even say it is addictive. I would collect mason jars if my husband would let me... Maybe I do and he just doesn't know it. How could you not like them? They come in all colors and sizes, and they literally have thousands of uses.

As I recently moved, I have found the urge to craft and create more than I have in the last couple of years. Maybe that's because I actually have a little free time, now that I'm not working 14-16 hours a day. Most people would enjoy their free time in a regular way... Maybe vegging out in front of the TV to watch all eight Harry Potter movies. Oh wait, I did that! It's something my mom and I started years ago, and I still do every summer, sometimes twice. After my near 24 hour sit-in to accomplish this great feat, I got to work. My first project is this adorable little soap dispenser. Now I have a reason to re-do the rest of the bathroom, because we all know it has to match! I hope you find this helpful, and realize that you don't have to spend $20-30 retail for this little gem; it only takes a few items laying around your house and a five minute time commitment.

Step 1: Gather your supplies. You will need:

  •  A soap dispenser 
  • A mason jar with lid 
  • Tools
    • sharp knife
    • cutting board
    • permanent marker 
    • hot glue gun (my best friend!)
    • drill (optional)
Step 2: Process the plastic soap dispenser. 

  • Pull off the pump and set it aside. Then cut off the topmost portion of the bottle, just below the thread where the pump screws in. I used a large kitchen knife and cutting board to accomplish this task. Be careful, as the plastic may be slippery if it recently held soap. Toss the rest of the bottle in the trash or recycling bin.
Step 3: Trace the top of the bottle onto your mason jar lid. Cut the hole out with either a kitchen knife or drill. (I used a knife, because my drill is still packed up somewhere.) 

Step 4: Hot glue the bottle top to the underside of the mason jar lid. The threaded portion should be sticking through the lid, out the top. 

Step 5: Assemble and fill with the soap of your choice. 

This cutie not only looks great, but it also holds more soap than your average dispenser. This is good if you are the sole soap re-filler in your household, like I am. 


Jessica Courtney 

Friday, June 20, 2014

I'm Back....

Hello one and all!

It has been some time since I last wrote. Life gets hectic, what can I say? A lot has changed since then... Basically all you need to know is that I am back at school, living the dream as a grad. student! I am hoping that I will now have time to actually keep up with blogging, because I really do enjoy it, even if there is no one reading it!

I am so excited to share my latest project with y'all. I bought this T.V. stand for just $18 at Goodwill, on sale. (Who knew that they had sales?!) I already had the paint laying around, so all I had to put into it was time. After much frustration, I learned that painting glass is not as easy as it looks, but the outcome sure was rewarding.

Now I have a custom piece of furniture that cost me less than $20; not many people can say that! I also have decided to start up yet another side business, as if I'm not busy enough already... custom furniture creations, like this. Be on the look out for more products soon- I'm currently scouring through every flea market, yard sale, and trade market I find for pieces that need some TLC and a twist.

Until next time...

Jessica Courtney