
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Deck the Drawers

I know Christmas was months ago... But I just have to say, I LOVE the sales afterwards. I take up on the opportunity to buy all kinds of decorations and doo-dads; either for creating something new, or saving them until next year. This year I found some very cute (and non-Christmas-y) wrapping paper. I have been saving it for a special occasion, yet to be determined at the time. 

When I was preparing to move out of my apartment recently, I decided that my plastic drawer totes looked a little boring... And an idea was born! I decked my drawers, with wrapping paper! (These drawer totes are very popular among college students, I don't know why more companies don't make them more colorful!)

  • Plastic drawer tote
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Mod Podge
  • Wrapping paper of your choice! 
It's a very self-explanatory process: Measure your drawers perimeter and height (give yourself extra length, just in case.) Then cut the paper accordingly. Paint a generous amount of Mod Podge on the inside walls of each drawer, then add the wrapping paper, printed side against the plastic. Let them dry overnight, so the paper does not get ripped up. Ta-da! 

Super easy, and so many possibilities! 

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